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Perception Deception

In the  parable of the talents found in the gospel of Matthew, Jesus details how you can take advantage of opportunities or allow perception deception to hinder your life.

In the parable, “talents” or opportunities to gain increase were given to three servants according to their ability.  Therefore you have the ability to produce prosperity with any opportunity that is presented to you.  

You operate in the talent using the example from two of the servants of the parable which is to “trade” with it.  This word in its original language means to be engaged in, committed to, and to labor for.  Your willingness to put in consistent actions even in times of discouragement will cause you to “gain” which in its original language means to win.  Therefore no matter what setbacks you encounter, you will win.

However the parable also details one of the servant who received the talent had a different perception.  Perception is developed by what you have encountered in life and can become so strong that they become your truth. Your perception, like this servant’s, can cause deception by thinking the opportunity to be too hard (too tough or harsh to complete) and a set-up for failure.

Once this deception to become your perception of opportunities, you then live under the fear of failure where your fears squash your belief because becoming too focused on the perceived consequences that could come from not succeeding.  This causes you to bury the opportunity into our comfort zone - a place were we and one else sees the opportunity to succeed, allowing you to go about your daily lives with no threats of the fear of failure.

However our Lord wants you to work and gain more so we can be given more.  He does not want you to live under perception deception where, because of wrong thinking you are operating without enough in our lives and can put us in jeopardy of losing even what we have.   Therefore take full advantage and work the opportunities He is giving you and break free of deception perception.




©2018 by Valley Praise Church

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