God's Peace = Your Perfection
You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3
The first aspect of perfection you can attain according to God’s standard is to be in perfect peace. The above scriptures details that God Himself will keep you in perfect peace if you keep your mind stayed on Him. The key to keeping your mind “stayed” is to trust (be confident) in Him.
The word “perfect” in Hebrew (the original language of the Isaiah 26:3) means complete, safe, well, in prosperous health. The word “stayed” in Hebrew means to lean upon; to take hold of. Therefore staying in God’s perfection through peace happens when your trust or confidence is anchored on and embedded in Him.
Trust in the Lord forever, For in Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength. Isaiah 26:4
The next verse states you can build your confidence or trust by knowing that Jehovah God is an “everlasting strength”. This term in Hebrew means “the rock of ages”.
Perfect Peace = Building Upon The “Rock:
In Matthew 7:24-29, Jesus tells the story of two house both of whom went through a terrible storm. However the difference between the two was the foundation each house was built upon, one built upon a sand foundation, the other built upon a rock foundation. Just like each houses was built before the storm happened, it’s up to you to determine which foundation we will build and put our trust in:
A sand foundation is laid when the principles for living as defined by God are not adhered to. However a “rock of ages: foundation is laid when you trust in God and therefore abide by His standards for living.
When your trust is connected to the Rock of Ages foundation, the storms of life come not because of you being outside the will of God, but to demonstrate you can stay in perfect peace There are three types of life “storms”:
Rain only - negative circumstances that come and normally go away. It’s easier to stay in the beginning stage of perfect peace because we are used to handling these types of circumstances.
Rain that produces floods - these are negative circumstances that feels overwhelming and thereby enter your soul and flood your “house” but not necessarily wash it away and therefore you still feel as if you can survive.
Rain, flood and winds that beat on the house -These are negative circumstances that make you feel as if you are being be swept away because of the high velocity of the wind (emotions) or number of circumstances that are beating on us.
No matter what level of storm you will or are encountering when your “house” is built on the rock of ages through trust you will be confident you will be kept safe, well , prosperous and in health. This is the mind set that is God’s standard of you being perfect, in His peace.