Face Your Fears
"We’re so successful in concealing our greatest fears that for all intents and purposes, the original reasons for our hurts are forgotten, and all that remains is their expression— that is, to act them out. Gregg Braden from the book “The Divine Matrix”
In order for you to face your fears you first have to recognize the “face”of fear. The reasons why this recognition is important is because the face of fear has the same attributes as your bodily face. Both are
Part of your make up - Your face compliments your body and overall appearance. Like wise fear can be part of your make up resulting in your overall life appearance.
Faces are part of your identity - Just like your facial features are a way of how you are identified, fear shapes your identity of by dictating how we view ourselves, how we believe other people view us, and how we view other people.
Only your face can experiences all five senses of hearing, touch, taste, see, and smell. Similarly fear can also be used in conjunction with your sensory functions to produce emotionally based responses.
For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. James 1:23 & 24
The scripture above illustrates how deeply fear's attributes can become ingrained, to the extent that you may be unaware of their hindering presence just like forgetting your own facial features. This means you could be unconsciously living your life through fear,
Facing Your Fears
Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:6 & 7
Paul tells Timothy in the above scripture to stir up the “gift of God”, not “from” God that was imparted to him through Paul’s interactive prayer. The means the received gift has the qualities and characteristics of God, a gift you also can receive and activate (“stir up”).
Paul then states the gift is spiritual meaning it’s deposited into your spirit and contains the attributes of:
Power - In Greek means miracle working ability and abundance to eliminate your fears
Love - In Greek means a love feast or you having more than enough of God’s love to satisfy any internal “hunger” living through fear.has caused.S
Sound mind - Disciplined self control of emotions that keep you in God’s perfect peace.
We purposefully create an atmosphere where you can experience your personalized “gift of God”. at Valley Praise Church. After attending our gathering and experiencing music, teaching and a “come as you are” community feeling o acceptance and love, you will leave with an inner assurance that you can face your fears, because you have the power, love and sound mind to conquer them. Join us this coming Sunday at our 8:30am or 10:00am gathering times. We look forward to conquering with you!