Getting Closer to God
But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I might declare all Your works. Psalms 73:28
Getting closer to God is a lot easier than you might think. Psalms 73:28 tells us that the way for us to do this is to “draw near to God.” This is done by first determining what is it that has put distance in our relationship with Him. We can do this by examining our lives, both past and present, to identify what specific action or activities that has either led us away from God, or is preventing us from getting closer. It could be a tragic or life altering incident that caused us to lose faith. Maybe we participated (or still participate) in a lifestyle of partying, clubbing, and everything that goes with those scenes, but now feel empty. It can even be us identifying the character of God using the negative character traits of the authority figures that raised us.
Once discovered, no matter the reason, the next step is taking action to get closer to God and close the gap. Again Psalms 73:28 shows us how this is done which is knowing that drawing near to God will be good for us. It is this assurance that can cause our desire to get closer to God become greater than the reason that has separated us from Him. It will be good for us because God wants to establish a fulfilling relationship by supplying exactly what we need to better understand Him and our lives. Psalms 73:28 also gives us the final step needed to grow closer to God: putting our trust in Him. The more you understand that God loves you and always has your best interest in mind, the more you can put your trust and confidence in Him. The more you trust Him, the closer you will become to God and the closer you get, the more peace, wisdom, and love you will experience from Him.
The last part of Psalms 73:28 tells us why God wants us to have a close relationship with Him which is to be able to declare all of His works. This means we have a joy within us that we want to share with others because of us experiencing an active, personal relationship with our Creator.