Releasing Your Painful Past
Though the memory a painful event in our past usually cannot be erased, we can minimize its negative emotions and associated reactions. This can be done by accepting who you have or will become once you establish a relationship with your Creator through Jesus Christ.
In a discussion found in the third chapter of the book of John, a prominent religious leader named Nicodemus is having a conversation with Jesus. Jesus tells Nicodemus that he (and everyone) must be born again. Hearing this seemly impossible concept, Nicodemus questions Jesus how this can be humanly done. Jesus responds by saying “that which is born of the flesh is flesh, but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” Jesus was letting us know there is a spiritual rebirth that happens when we receive the gift of salvation (relationship) that comes through our accepting Jesus atonement on Calvary’s cross. When we are born again the spirit which was lost or died through Adam’s disobedience in the Garden of Eden that connected us with the one true God when we were created by God comes alive. Therefore through Jesus’ atonement, even though you still outwardly look the same, you now have access to a reborn spirit that comes alive inside of you. You are a new creation because you have never been this way until you accepted Jesus’ atonement.
There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1
Allowing your reborn spirit to connect with God’s Spirit will enable you operate or walk according to its leading causing your inner life (your thoughts and emotions) and outer actions not to operate (walk) according to the “old way” (flesh). Doing so will cut off the negative feelings of condemnation (rejection, hurt, anger, and resentment) that associated with a painful past you might have against others or even yourself. The more your newly created spirit is lead by the Spirit, the further away you will distance yourself from the emotions and actions from the past and operate in the newness of fulfilling life..